Monday 10 February 2014

Photography for Contents page (Model 1) - Music Magazine

The pictures above are the ones that got selected but not picked to be one of the final images to be on my contents page. This is because some of the qualities of the images are blurry and some of them seem like they would be tricky for me to edit.

However, I think most of the mise-en-scene in the images fitted the criteria to be displayed in a pop magazine. Most pop artists use bright or pastel colours and that's what part of her outfit is. In some of the images, she displays a happy and bubbly expression which also can relate to the genre since most pop music is upbeat and happy.

Chosen Image to be a contents page image
I chose this image to be one of the contents page images because of her pose. Her pose seems very playful and childish thus, appealing to the target audience since they might be able to relate to her personality being bubbly and fun. It would also suggest to them that she doesn't take life completely serious so it might have a positive message such as "relax and enjoy life".

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